Louisburg United Methodist Church Preschool Handbook

Arrival and Departure

Please drop and pick-up your child at the side of the church on Noble Street. A staff member will meet your car at the covered entrance. We have been asked that you come in off the Boulevard area onto Noble Street to drop off and exit off Noble onto Main Street. This will help traffic flow and be safer for all. 

Arrival and departure times must be carefully followed since the time before and after school are needed for teacher preparation and clean-up. Children can become anxious when their parents do not arrive at the scheduled time to pick them up. 

Arrival      9:00AM
Pick-up   3 & 4 year olds, 12:00PM  2 & 3 year olds, 11:30AM

Please let us know if someone other than parents are picking up your child. No one connected with our preschool or church will transport students.

Closings in Inclement Weather
Our calendar generally follows the Franklin County Public Schools Traditional Calendar. Closings for inclement weather may vary based on the determination based on FCPS. We try to follow FCPPS delays/closings, but not necesssarily everytime due to the different in our structure. We will notify by email/Facebook and post on WRAL. 

Changes of Address
If your address, phone number, email etc. should change from the information we have on file please be sure we get the updated information. This includes medical changes, too.

Praise and positive reinforcement are effective methods of the behavior management of children. When children receive positive, non-violent, and understanding interactions from adults and others, they develop good self-concepts, problem solving abilities and self-discipline. Children learn and develop values based on these beliefs and the LUMPS staff will use techniques to support these beliefs.

If a child repeatedly displays disruptive behavior, we will inform the parents and work together to determine a plan of action.

Please send a change of clothes in a large zip-lock to be kept in cubbies in case a change is needed. This includes underwear and socks. If your child is in the two year old class and still in diapers/pull-ups remember to send a supply each week or as needed. We ask that you label any items you send with your child’s name.

Outside play is essential to preschoolers. The children go outside everyday weather permitting. Please see that your child is dressed appropriately. We ask that the children not wear “flip-flop” type shoes for safety reasons.

We will be busy with a variety of activities (art, dancing, playing, painting) and clothing should be comfortable and washable. Try to select an outfit that is easy for your child to pull up and down when going to the bathroom or being changed.

Toys, etc.
We ask that the children not bring play items from home. These items get broken, lost  and sometimes are difficult to keep up with. It is less stressful to all if these items are kept at home.

Tuition is due on the first school day of the month. Please adhere to this date each month. Tuition is turned over to the LUMPS Treasurer and  prompt payments help him complete the preschool’s monthly business in a timely manner. There may be a $10.00 late fee added if payment is late!

We serve nutritious snacks each morning. Eating habits are formed early and for this reason we like to  encourage the  children to eat a variety of fruits/vegetables and water at snack time. (This also helps with those children who have food allergies.) We will set up a snack calendar for our families to help out with snack. This snack calendar will start soon after school begins.

Holidays/Birthday Parties/Programs
We will try to have holiday parties four times during the year to celebrate Harvest time, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. We encourage our families to help with these.

Birthdays can be celebrated here at school. We ask that you send cookies and juice on your child’s special day to have at snack time. Please contact us a week or two in advance if you would like to do anything extra.

We will not be going off-site for field trips during the school year. We do try to bring  programs and guests from the community. This is an important way to increase the children’s awareness of what our community offers and to practice social skills. If you have an idea for an enrichment opportunity for our children please contact us.

As part of our enrichment, we try to offer Spanish once a week and Art Appreciation on a regular basis. 

Louisburg United Methodist Church Preschool is an outreach ministry of our church. While we adhere to Christian moral values and ethical standards, we have no formal religious training. Once a week, we will have Bible Music and the pastor will also try to have a short “chapel time” with the children.

Fire/Tornado Drills
We hold drills periodically throughout the year and will direct the children to the designated areas.

Weekly Work
To simplify things, we send notes, art work, etc. home on a weekly basis. We try to do this on Thursdays. Please take out the items in your child's tote bag and return the bag the next school day.

Health and Safety
Health and safety is the first priority of our preschoolers and staff. Children are never left unattended. Minor scrapes are cared for by the teachers and reported to parents at pick-up time. In case of accidents  requiring medical attention, parents will be notified immediately. Parents will always be notified if there is any doubt as to whether a child needs medical care. In an emergency situation, a child will be taken to the emergency room while parents are being notified. Remember to keep the office notified of any phone number/contact changes.

Only well children should be brought to school. When in doubt about a child’s health, the child should be kept at home. The school should be notified if you child has a communicable disease. We also ask that you contact the school if your child is out.

Louisburg United Methodist Preschool will not administer any medication without written authorization from your child’s physician. NO MEDICATION SHALL BE LEFT IN THE CLASSROOM OR IN THE CHILD’S BELONGINGS. Medication will be kept in a secure place.